Popular games for collection AeroWings

AeroWings is a simulation that allows the player to fly as a member of a jet aerobatics team. The game contains a variety of jet-powered aircraft that the player can fly in several game modes. • Blue Impulse Mission: Learn 20 aerobatic maneuvers and become a member of the elite Blue Impulse team. Learn loops, rolls, and more while flying both solo and in formation. • Sky Mission Attack: Fly through a series of targets suspended in mid-air before time runs out. • Free Flight: Fly around and freely explore the landscape. • Multi Play: Up to 4 players can perform in formation simultaneously.

Aero Elite: Combat Academy is the fourth game in the AeroWing series and is considered a true flight sim game as the planes react as their real world counterparts. There are 60 authentic aircraft to pilot including the Harrier, A-10 Warthog, the Mirage 2000 and the infamous Mig 29 along with helicopters as well. There are 12 different missions areas that are used and features the new "Scramble Mode" where the player is instructed to intercept a random intruder and identify and land or attack if instructed. There are multiple missions to participate in including interceptions of enemy squadrons and even mastering aerial stunt maneuvers.

Whereas the first AeroWings game was all about flight acrobatics, AeroWings 2: Air Strike is a fighter jet game. The most important modes selectable are free flight, which as the name implies gives you freedom to fly what you want (land it in the middle of a freeway if you'd like or next to skyscrapers) and over what type of weather and the split-screen versus mode (2 player). In addition to those modes, the game features training in over 30 fighter training missions and 15 tactical challenges. Successful completion of these challenges will unlock additional fighters (including the XF-3 Super Recipro, F-2B Support Fighter or F-15DJ Aggressor 2 to name a few) and decals/paint for the plane models. As far as the realism goes, the game is customizable with options for either Standard or Professional Flight controls. The main difference between the two being the inclusion of more realistic G-Forces on your plane. It's also important to note that the controls are nearly identical to the first game with one or two buttons difference.