Popular games for collection Battle High


Battle High 2 is the sequel to the indie fighting game Battle High: Elemental Revolt. A mysterious force has been causing illness within select students and stripping them of their powers. Each of the students has his or her own agenda during these times of turmoil. Some are investigating the power disruption. Some seek the source so that they can be normal again. Others have completely other scores to settle and others just want to watch the world burn.


Initial incarnation of the Battle High series with many differences - notably, the different stories for characters, as well as the lack of elemental powers. Now considered non-canon.


At San Bruno High School, a vicious gang known as "The Rivals" reigns supreme, terrorizing and oppressing their peers undetected and unpunished. Choose from 8 students as they battle for justice or greed in this fast-paced 2D fighter.