Popular games for collection Black/Matrix


Black Matrix Zero combines standard tactical RPG gameplay with a pastiche of Judeo-Christian religious themes, particularly concerning the nature of good and evil and the interplay between Heaven, Hell, and Earth and the denizens thereof. The game is set in the same fictional world as the original Black/Matrix game, though hundreds of years prior. Three divisions of humankind share the same world - white-winged people who are called angels, black-winged people who are called devils, and wingless people. Those who have wings have great powers and pay little mind to the wingless ones. The angels rule the world via a religious organization called the Prodevon Church, which ensures both the cooperation and ignorance of the wingless people.


The original Black/Matrix title was released August 27, 1998 for the Sega Saturn console in Japan. There were two remake releases that add more detailed graphics and additional content: Black/Matrix AD (Advanced) for Sega Dreamcast was released in 1999 and Black/Matrix Cross for Sony Playstation was released in 2000.


Rage was one of the four Great Generals of the Demon Army, but he was slain in a battle against the Angels. He has recently been revived, but has lost all memories of his previous life. With the war between Demons and Angels still continuing with no end in sight, he must restore his power and build his forces back up to strike back against the Angel Army. Black/Matrix II is a turn-based tactical strategy game similar in structure to Final Fantasy Tactics, and the sequel to Black/Matrix. Characters level up and learn abilities individually, and it is possible to recruit a variety of characters, though only 6 at a time can be deployed into a battle. There are also several different romantic interests to pursue, with multiple endings for each depending on the player's choices throughout the game.