Popular games for collection Close Combat

With Close Combat: Gateway to Caen you can play at the strategic and tactical level, putting yourself in the boots of both the generals and the platoon commanders. You can move or combine your battlegroups on the strategic level and decide the outcome of battles on the tactical level. You will command squads in close combat situations, using small arms, mortars, machine guns, armored cars, and tanks to triumph against the enemy. You command artillery and mortar barrages and even air strikes. You will get to know individual solders, platoons, battalions, and the larger brigades and battle groups which they comprise.

Close Combat: Panthers in the Fog details the desperate German counter-attack at Mortain, the last chance of the Wehrmacht to stave off defeat in Normandy. Can you match the tenacity of the American defenders of Hill 314? Or can you succeed where the Panzers failed, driving through to the sea and changing history?

Close Combat: First to Fight is an authentic, team-based first-person shooter created under the direction of active-duty United States Marines fresh from the front lines of combat in Iraq and Afghanistan. Set in a modern mid-eastern urban battleground, players lead a four-man Marine fire team through the perils of modern urban combat. Together with the United States Marine Corps and Atomic Games, Destineer has created First to Fight as a training simulation for use by the Marine Corps and has now made it available to gamers.

A tactical wargame based on a US marine corp training simulator. It comes with 25 Modern scenarios based on real-world and hypothetical conflicts. Fight on hypothetical battlefields ranging in style from backwoods America to the streets of Iraq and the former Soviet republics. A scenario editor is also included, making it easy to setup your own battles with modern opposing forces.

Close Combat III is the third game in the venerable Close Combat series which takes us to the Russian Front in command of either the German Whermacht or Soviet Red Army, in some of the most realistic combat ever seen in a RTS.

Close Combat: A Bridge Too Far, or Close Combat II, is a World War II real-time tactics game, developed by Atomic Games, and released on September 30, 1997. The second installment of the Close Combat series, the game is played on a two-dimensional map, between two players. Close Combat is based on Operation Market Garden; most units in the game are based on those used in 1944, with the exception of a few which are only available in custom games. The game may be played as either the Germans, or the Allies, the latter divided into the British, Americans, and Polish. The game received mainly positive reviews.

Close Combat is a World War II real-time tactics game, developed by Atomic Games, and released on January 1, 1996 for the Mac and June 30, 1996 for the PC. The first installment of the Close Combat series, the game is played on a two-dimensional map, between two players. Close Combat is based on the fighting of the U.S. 29th Infantry Division and the German defenders from Omaha Beach to Saint-Lô during Operation Cobra; all the units in the game are based on those used in 1944. The game may be played as either the Germans, or the Americans.The game received mainly positive reviews.

Relive the infamous Battle of the Bulge as the Germans or Americans. This entry, fourth in the Close Combat series, introduces a Strategic map, features new units, and includes airstrikes.