Popular games for collection De-Ja


Like its predecessor, De-Ja II is a Japanese-style adventure. The interface has been enhanced compared to the first game. Most of the commands are still done via the extensive verb menus and object sub-menus; once again, it is usually necessary to use those commands several times in order to gain new information and thus advance the story. However, in certain places, icon-based interface becomes available, with point-and-click interaction. The icons include traditional talking, touching, as well as less common commands such as hitting, and even an icon depicting a condom, for... err... scientific activities that are closer to anatomy than archeology.


De Ja is a Japanese-style adventure. At every screen, a menu with verb commands appears at the bottom. The commands include Examine, Talk, Ask, Take, Use (an inventory item), Move, as well as other context-specific commands that appear on some screens. Choosing a verb usually leads to an object sub-menu. Typically, the game's story advances once the player has gone through most of the commands and acquired the needed information. The game has some scenes with nudity and mildly depicted sexual situations.