Popular games for collection Elite Forces


A new era of world conflict. Go where most men don't dare and do what most men won't. Arrive by sea, air and land prepared for unconventional warfare, counter-guerilla tactics and clandestine operations in the most turbulent hot spots in the world. Push your stamina and strength beyond your physical and mental limits, ready to lay down your life in service of your country.


This sequel to Vietnam: Black Ops is a first person shooter geared towards casual gamers. Running on the LithTech 2 engine, the game features twelve levels representing various combat arenas of the Vietnam War, including jungle and urban outdoor environments and an indoor level set in an ancient temple. The game plot is straight out of Apocalypse Now - you're an American soldier sent into the jungles of Vietnam and Cambodia to find and kill a rogue American special forces operative. Gameplay is standard FPS, with several difficulty settings from which to choose.


Join the ranks of the U.S. marines as you embark on a treacherous and chaotic amphibious beach landing, defeat a vast network of interconnected pillboxes and emplaced guns, negotiate your way through perilous mine fields and enemy bunkers to track down and eliminate an elusive enemy. Experience the story of one rifleman’s heroic struggle to survive and prevail among the nearly 100,000 combatants who warred for 36 days for possession of the island of Iwo Jima.


WWII: Desert Rats is a World War II-era third-person action game that incorporates driving and shooting elements. Players control a two-man British Jeep team behind German lines in North Africa. The driver of the Jeep is always the same, though the player has a choice of five different tail gunners, each with their own different attributes. For example, one of them may be better with the bazooka, while another one is best with grenades, etc. However, all gunners are able to use all weapons. Controls are similar to a first-person shooter. The keyboard moves the Jeep around while the mouse aims the weapon operated by the gunner. This allows the player to drive in one direction while shooting at enemies alongside or even behind the Jeep.


Wage a silent, deadly war on terrorism. Your SEAL team has its lethal counter-terrorism objectives. Secretly penetrate international hot spots from the sea, air and land to carry out your assigned missions. Survive dangerous operations using your combat training and stealth to neutralize this threat forever.