Popular games for collection Fuga: Melodies of Steel

The sequel to the captivating tale of Fuga: Melodies of Steel has arrived! This turn-based RPG is back with a ramped up battle system for more strategy, as well as a brand new event system that gives you more thrilling choices to affect your experience!

Fuga is set in a war-ravaged world where a village is destroyed by the fascist Berman Empire. Eleven child survivors band together after the attack and board a gigantic tank known as Taranis - a relic of an ancient but technologically-advanced civilization - in order to travel across the dangerous landscape and rescue their families who were taken prisoner. The Taranis houses a super weapon called the Soul Cannon which is capable of immense destruction at the cost of a crew member's life, with the main characters having to choose when and whom to sacrifice in order for the group to reach their destination.

The Fuga: Melodies of Steel series has reached its epic conclusion! Dive into this dramatic RPG featuring a brand-new, strategic battle system, enhanced Taranis training during intermission, and tactical route progression and event battles!