Popular games for collection Gensei Kitan


Gensei Fūkyō Den is a Japanese RPG with a somewhat "light" approach, both in story-telling and gameplay. The gameplay mostly follows the standard procedure of Japanese-style RPGs, although some features are simplified: there is no "world map", and town navigation is menu-based. Most of the gameplay consists of navigating maze-like top-down dungeons, fighting random enemies in turn-based first-person perspective combat. Characters use special points (SP) for powerful attacks and magic points (MP) for spells. Released through Disc Station Vol. 4 in 1994 for PC-9801.


The player navigates Smash and his friends through top-down locations, talking to people and fighting randomly appearing enemies in hostile areas. The turn-based battles are viewed from a side perspective. Characters can execute various "techniques", which deplete TP (technique points), or magic spells.


A turn-based role playing game in the Gensei Kitan series.


A game in the Gensei Kitan series released in Disc Station Vol. 12.


Released through Disc Station Vol. 20 in 1998 for Windows 95.


Released through Disc Station Vol. 18.


Gensei Suikoden is a Role-Playing game, developed and published by Compile, which was released through Disc Station Vol. 14 in 1997 for Windows 95.