Popular games for collection Hello Charlotte

Hello, new Puppeteer! Meet Charlotte - a puppet you will control. Meet her alien friends, maggot cat and a certain Observer. Dive deep into horrors of junk food, TV world, religion and romance novels for middle-age women. Keep your puppet safe at all times. Or don't. Have fun dying!

"All ended well. There was nothing to be sad about." A farewell, and a greeting. Hello, Charlotte.

Hello Charlotte Ep.2 is a visual novelesque RPG with sci-fi elements and dark humor, written and drawn by etherane. Requiem Aeternam Deo follows the events of Ep.1: Junk Food, Gods and Teddy Bears.

Welcome back to the House, mr/mrs. Anonymous! In this world, Puppeteers do not exist. In a two-dimensional world without morals, what kind of girl would Charlotte be? Have fun, and bon appetit!