Popular games for collection Nights


The story follows the teenagers Elliot Edwards and Claris Sinclair, who enter Nightopia, a dream world where all dreams take place. With the help of Nights, an exiled "Nightmaren", they begin a journey to stop the evil ruler Wizeman from destroying Nightopia and consequently the real world. Players control Nights flying through Elliot and Claris's dreams to gather enough energy to defeat Wizeman and save Nightopia. The game is presented in 3D and imposes time limits on every level, in which the player must accumulate points to proceed.


This time around, however, Nights takes a bit of a different turn. Keeping in line with the "world of dreams" theme – it wouldn't be Nights without it – players will take control of Will and Helen, two young children each entering into Nightopia (the world of dreams) with their own back-story, emotional baggage, and inner demons that come to life though the forming of nightmares. It's a pretty simple concept overall, and with each child's five main levels you'll get a different piece of the story leading up to the same grand finale. Once they arrive in the land of dreams, each character meets up with a Nights almost instantaneously, and from there learns to meld with the mysterious creature and fly through the world of Nightopia. Along the way you'll learn of the quest to find the hidden Ideya (basically essences of the human spirit), and eventually attempt to defeat a powerful god-like creature named Wizeman and his right-hand man Reala.


Air Nights is an unreleased game conceived to be a sequel to Nights into Dreams. The gameplay would have revolved around using a tilt sensor in the Saturn analog pad, similar to what Nights: Journey of Dreams did with the Nintendo Wii remote. Development started on the Saturn, and eventually moved to the Dreamcast. The project was cancelled, and the technology used for the control scheme was used as a prototype for the motion-sensing technology in Samba De Amigo for the Dreamcast.