Popular games for collection Spy Fox


The super-suave agent, SPY Fox, must find Mr. Udderly, rescue all the cows, and stop William the Kid from depleting the worlds supply of milk. Using ingenious SPY gadgets, keen wits, and daring moves, SPY Fox, jumps out on an udderly exhilarating adventure!


Once again, the world relies on Fox - Spy Fox, the suave secret agent who smoothly finesses his way through Spy Corps' toughest assignments. This time, Spy Corps' corrupt counterpart, the Society for Meaningless Evil, Larceny, Lying and Yelling (S.M.E.L.L.Y.) has devised a dogbot which will be unleashed upon the unsuspecting world! In his nastiness, S.M.E.L.L.Y.'s corrupt commander, Napoleon LeRoach, did not install an OFF switch on the dogbot. Instead, he hid the switch somewhere within the World's Fair.


A huge hairspray space station is blasting vile vapors into the ozone, putting Earth at the mercy of the sun's rays. With her paw on the nozzle, Poodles Galore unleashes her plot to corner the sunscreen market. It's up to SPY Fox and his friends to "can" Poodles and save the planet.


That pretty blue kitty has heisted the famous fromage and it's up to kids to catch her! SPY scooters, jet-skis and ultralights are just a few of the racey rides kids need to outrun Blue's goon squad. Kids also put their creativity to the test as they construct challenging new levels using Professor Quack's Custom Level Builder.


Climb aboard to help SPY Fox save the world's ketchup supply from the evil King Konglomerate! Maneuver SPY Fox's M.E.S.S through water, space and air.