Popular games published by company Bitwave Games


Truxton is a 1988 vertically scrolling, shoot 'em up arcade game developed by Toaplan, later ported to the Mega Drive (worldwide) and the PC Engine (Japan-only). Like many other scrolling shooters, the game is set in outer space, where the player takes control of a small spaceship across several planets. The game is played with an eight-way joystick and two buttons (a shot and a bomb button) through five large levels and their bosses (which then loop forever, at higher difficulties).


Zero Wing is a side-scrolling shoot 'em up arcade game, notable for a poorly translated English version for Sega Mega Drive (Genesis) that spawned the "All your base are belong to us" Internet meme. Gameplay includes novel features such as being able to 'tractor' enemy ships, using them to shield your own.


Out Zone is a vertically scrolled run and gun video game set in the future of the year 2097, where an alien race from the fictional planet Owagira are threatening to wipe out humanity. After multiple failed attempts to defend Earth against their attacks, players assume the role of cyborg mercenaries recruited by the United Nations in a last-ditch effort to overthrow the invaders