Popular games published by company Cases Computer Simulations

"Camelot is an adventure game which is based loosely on the adventures of Arthur Pendragon who is banished from Camelot with 10 warriors, 50 bags of gold and 10 bags of food. You have to find the seven items that are listed in the programme and re-enter Camelot, eventually being crowned king. There are three skill levels, a map and various graphic displays."

A turn based WWII strategy centered around the failed Operation Market Garden.

The Abyss is a unique adventure game that blends strategic decision-making with varied puzzle challenges. Players control an adventurer attempting to cross a treacherous network of bridges spanning a deadly abyss. The game begins with a bird's-eye view of the bridge system, requiring quick route planning as lingering too long results in falling. Upon reaching each bridge's end, players face diverse challenges from monsters, ranging from solving math problems to navigating mazes. These mini-games add depth and variety to the core bridge-crossing mechanic. The ultimate goal is to reach the Mountain of the Golden Lion, marked by a flashing 'F'. This mix of time-pressured navigation and varied puzzles creates a compelling and multifaceted gaming experience that tests both reflexes and problem-solving skills.

Vulcan is a third entry in R. T. Smith's World War II trilogy, including Arnhem and Desert Rats. It simulates the Tunisian Campaign in 1942-43 from the arrival of the 'Torch' Task Force and their race for Tunis, to the final battle of 'Operation Vulcan'. There are 5 armies (3 Allied & 2 Axis) and 5 scenarios, including the battles of Kasserine and Mareth. Each scenario has several pre-conditions to start from, which include Axis control Malta, Axis capture Bone, DAK (Deutsches Afrika Korps) destroyed, Desert armies late, and French neutrality.