Popular games published by company Cheetahsoft Ltd.


Dragons have driven the Royal Court from the Castle "O we are lost, lost" laments the King. "Without our vast treasures we cannot raise an army 'gainst these accursed dragons. Our Kingdom must now languish under lizards!" "Nay, not so, my liege!" replied the young Prince. "None knows that Castle, those many bridges and storerooms, better than I. Give me leave and I shall loot those lizards of their plunder and restore my lord to his birthright." "Brave boy," said the King, fully pleased. "But," he added darkly, "beware dread dragonfire!"


In Moonsweeper your goal is to rescue miners from the moons in Star Quadrant Jupiter. You begin your mission in space where you must avoid deadly aurora flares, photon torches and space bullets from the sun in this quadrant. From time to time you will see a moon pass by, and by flying near it you can descend to the surface. As you sweep along the surface, you will see stranded miners which need to be rescued by flying over them. Also on the moons surface are various obstacles which must be avoided or destroyed, such as towers and lunar satellites as well as alien surface destroyers. Should you survive and rescue six miners (the maximum your ship can carry), then you may take off from the surface by using the accelerator rings. There are several different types of moons found in this quadrant, each with a different level of difficulty. To help out, your ship is equipped with photon torpedoes and shields (though you will lose points while using the shield).


The game is a Pac-Man variant played from a first person perspective. The game consists of a number of mazes connected with a lift that the player can use to travel between them. Throughout the corridors the player will find gold that he has to collect to earn points. He has to watch out for the bats though. If he comes into contact with a bat he will lose one of his lives. There's only one way of protection against the bats, to eat garlic which he has to find in the mazes. When he eats it he becomes immune to the bats for 20 seconds. If he comes into contact with a bat during this time it will be stunned by the smell. Using the lift is also a way to escape the bats. However for each time the lift is used the bats get more vicious. Difficulty level (0-10) and number of bats (1-4) can be configured before starting a game.