Popular games published by company El Dia


This game follows the story of its two protagonists: Kojirou Amagi and Marina Houjou, as they pursue the truth behind another mystery.


Eve: Burst Error originally released in 1995 on PC later ported to Sega Saturn. The long-awaited Eve: Rebirth Terror the start of a new story.


A Bizarre Serial Murder Mystery. There's A Serial Killer Close By. A Prohibited Psychothriller. The Multi-Sight System Reveals Surprising Truth! In this game there are two heroes, Kojiroh and Marina, who are each called to solve their own cases. This game allows you to switch characters at any time to solve the mysteries these heroes encounter. This "Multi-Sight Adventure" allows you to view what's happening behind-the-scenes from the other character's perspective, bump into each other, and sometimes even help each other out. Together, they come closer and closer to the shocking truth through their combined actions and skills of deduction. This is a remake based on the Sega Saturn version of the game.


Yuri visual novel.


This game follows the story of its two protagonists: Kojirou Amagi and Marina Houjou, as they pursue the truth behind another mystery. This edition includes the following: - EVE ghost enemies - Original Drawing Collection