Popular games published by company Indievent


‘Devotion’ is a first-person atmospheric horror game set in the 1980s Taiwan. The story centers around a seemingly ordinary family of three that lived in an old apartment complex. Explore the nostalgic house in the 80s where religion plays a significant role in their daily life. When one day the same house that once filled with joy and love had turned into a hell-like nightmare, and by venturing in the haunted and confined space, each puzzle leads you closer to the mysteries nested deep inside.


Halflight is a 3D adventure game set in a fictional world of 1940s Taiwan with classic puzzles. Players follow in the steps of the young boy Xi-sheng as he strays into an extraordinary phantom world -- a world where Memories intertwine with Nightmares, Hope casts its lot with Destiny, and any semblance of self-identity will be tested.