Popular games published by company J. Morrison

Destroy all eggs! With that as your only instructions, you are thrown into a room filled with pterodactyl eggs. The controls are similar to many versions of Robotron, in that you shoot in whichever direction you are walking. The task of destroying the eggs seems easy until they begin to hatch. The new-born pterodactyls are not only lethal, but they lay more eggs, prolonging your misery. The game runs in black and white high resolution mode and uses small characters, only a character tall.

Vultures is an original (?) shoot'em'up with a slight Galaga flavour. Above your spaceship hangs a nest of space-vultures. One after one, they come down to shoot at you. Unlike Galaga, they don't wrap at the end of the screen, instead they "bounce" back and forth across it. Mind the vulture's course, because otherwise you might find yourself trapped in a corner with the inevitable collision as only way out. A good tactic to ameliorate your chances is to dodge the vulture's bullets and concentrate your fire on its mates that are left hanging above. When all the vultures are killed, their eggs start to hatch and spawn similarly devious creatures. Shoot them down, and you have passed the first level. Vultures has three speed settings and runs in medium resolution with a green background.