Popular games published by company Ludipe


In Spain, January 5th is the night before Three Kings Day. Children write letters, tidy their rooms and leave milk and cookies next to the door. They're hoping the three wise old men will bring them the toys they asked for. For us, Christmas really ends on January 7th. My grandfather died around this time, which for some reason felt even more shocking. He owned two toyshops and Christmas was always a busy time for the whole family. It had that additional meaning for us that always made it different. When he passed away, this day acquired yet a new flavour, though it was a bittersweet one. But my grandfather did so much more. He traveled to so many places I completely lost track of them. He built the house where my family still lives. He didn't just sell toys, he made friends everywhere, started businesses and was always building or fixing something. This tiny flat-game is about how January 5th has felt over the last few years. I hope that every time we lose somebody important to us they leave knowing how much we loved them.


Alt game made with cardboard art about a kid who must grow up.


A tiny game where you roll dice, use them to activate skills, and hope to survive the winter.


Saying some things can be very hard.


It's a quiet game about driving around delivering packages during a virus outbreak. Understanding how the interface works and discovering all you can do with it is part of the game.


A game made during Game Jam Madrid Crea. You can skip any level in the game (just check the help menu).