Popular games published by company Pick & Choose Ltd.


Chuckie Egg is an action platformer featuring a turn-based multiplayer mode. As Hen-House Harry, the player must collect the twelve eggs positioned in each level, before a countdown timer reaches zero. In addition there are piles of seed which may be collected to increase points and stop the countdown timer for a while. The player starts with five lives, and an extra life is awarded every 10,000 points.


Chuckie Egg II is a sequel to platformer game Chuckie Egg, but is very different from the original game. Whereas the original game features eight levels of one screen each, this features many more screens arranged into a maze for you to explore. In the game, Hen House Harry must build a giant chocolate egg, with the ingredients (cocoa, milk and sugar), that are found in the factory. Eight of each must be included. Also, the eight parts of a toy kit must be found, to place inside the egg. In order to get all the items you must find your way around the factory, avoiding many types of enemy, and solving puzzles using various items that you can carry. There are a number of ways to get around the factory, including the platforms of the original, but also ropes and pipes, among other things. Despite the drastic changes from the original, the game still retains the sound effects from the original.