Popular games published by company Reflect Studios


Welcome to the Game II is an atmospheric horror / strategy / puzzle game that takes you into the world of the deep web in search of the shadow web. Play as an investigate reporter trying to solve a case of a mysterious woman broadcasting for help as masked men are on the hunt to kill her.


Monitor camera feeds, report valuable info, and hand-deliver shady packages. An hourly quota of reports will test your keen eye to spot the differences, while timed deliveries will force you outside unexpectedly. Until you clock out for the night almost nowhere is safe.


Welcome to the Game is a creepy horror/puzzle game that takes you into the world of the Deep Web. Explore the Deep Web with the sole purpose of trying to find a Red Room, an online service / website that allows you to see and participate in interactive torture and murder.


Work to expose the numerous criminal degenerates that plague your quiet town. Use citizen-issued reports, police records, social media accounts, text conversations, and more to determine who’s an actual threat and who’s harmless, all while avoiding the killers trying to infiltrate your home.


Masks of Deception is a 6 player multiplayer game where you must work together to find and expel a demon. However, correctly identifying the monster will be difficult as one of you has been possessed and turned against the rest. Use your senses and investigative tools to gather the information required to send this hellish creature back to the depths from whence it came, all while avoiding the fatal wretched beings that stalk these haunted lands. Note that one chance is all you get, and any mistake can lead to utter failure.