Popular games published by company Virtual Toys


A downloadable cooking game.


VT Tennis is the most competitive and addictive tennis game for the Nintendo DSiWare. Virtual Toys’ experience in this kind of games will help you to turn into the new international circuit champion.


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The Morning Adventure is an Action, platforming adverture game for a Spanish breakfast food known as a Mañanito. The game was released exclusively in Spain, and was solely created as an advertisement for the now-discontinued Spanish snack food product known as "Mañanitos".


With Hello Flowerz, you can plant and cherish your favourite flowers every day to make them grow healthy and beautiful.


Long ago, a lost civilization called the Elders, who worshipped the magical power of Nature, built a network of sacred temples around the world. Millennia have since passed, and the temples now lie in ruins. But their energy still resonates from the land, attracting adventurers from distant lands.