Popular games built on game engine Acknex


Everything began with a suit-case. Everyone it opened had a dying, because its contents are absolutely deadly for all organic organisms. Innumerable replicants failed so far because of the attempt to bring the suit-case into your possession. For this reason now you are activated, you are MORG'S last hope. Find this mysterioesen suit-case and bring it to LEON MORG. Unfortunately is not this as simply as it sounds oneself, because some adversaries want to defeat your plan. They murdered Zora the owner of the orbital glider fleet and directed the suspicion on you. Try to arrive at an orbital glider with the spaceship , which circles in the orbit around the earth. Pierce in the spaceship up to the command deck and fly yourselves you to your destination. You are strained on what expects you there. And which role do WILD CATS and TRIOP play in this history at all? Find it out! Because you are SELMA LOMBARD a replicant, which was up to to each task.





Zeal-X2 is a 2.5 D platformer in which you take on the role of Redscar. Here you can slash your way through enemies and make heads roll.


In another world - at a time that seems to have stopped in the late '80s: The power hungry dictator ADDI ENGLER simply forbids anything that's any fun, and with the help of his vicious robot army he has enslaved almost all fun-loving Metalheads throughout the universe. But he did not expect you - you are BLACK BEKKER! As a black-clad headbanger, it's up to you to fight your way through Engler's heavily guarded fortress and end his sinister regime once and for all! Use the METAL as a weapon and shoot at your opponents with killer rivets or beer salvos ... or spray them with an extremely stinking deodorant! Make your way through well over 20 levels full of secret hiding places, crazy items or weird creatures, whipping up your highscore. But do not forget: you are the last hope for Metal here!
