Popular games built on game engine Gold Box

Welcome to the official Advanced Dungeons & Dragons computer product, Curse of the Azure Bonds, A Forgotten Realms fantasy role-playing epic. This adventure game is based on the rules and background created by TSR, Inc. and a storyline created especially for this game. THE CURSE OF THE AZURE BONDS adventure begins in the frontier city of Tilverton on the border between the great kingdom of Cormyr and the scattered settlements of the Dalelands. The characters begin as experienced adventurers who have been ambushed, captured, and cursed with five magical bonds. Each bond is an azure-blue symbol imprinted just under the skin of each character's swordarm. These bonds have dangerous magical powers that can take control of the characters' actions. The characters' quest in Curse of the Azure Bonds is to search the Realms for the source of the bonds and rid themselves of the bonds' terrible curse.

For ten years your glorious band has fought Evil wherever it has threatened the Realms. Lord Bane has suffered many defeats at your hands and new peace washes over the land. Now your path comes full circle - back to the thriving city of Phlan. As your ship arrives, you see the towers of Phlan, where before only ruins stood. The slums and decay have given way to new growth. Boats bob in the harbor under the watchful protection of Sokal Keep. In large measure this prosperity and success was born of your defeat of Tyranthraxus so many years ago. As the sail is furled, and the crew prepares to dock, you wonder "Where could adventure be found among such peace ...

Located on the northern shore of the Moonsea in the Forgotten Realms, the fabled city of Phlan had been overrun by monsters led by a mysterious leader. Your quest: discover the identity of this evil force and rid Phlan of its scourge. Pool of Radiance represents the first in a line of software created by SSI in collaboration with TSR - the producer of the legendary Advanced Dungeons & Dragons fantasy role-playing system.

The frigid valleys of the Dragonspire Mountains echo with the desperate plea of terrified miners: "Heroes of the Forgotten Realms, save us from evil!" Unwittingly digging in unhallowed ground, they have disturbed an ancient vault and released its terrible content. Scores of horrific creatures now infest the mine shaft - and threaten to escape into the world above! You and your heroes must find the way to contain this scourge. All hope depends upon your ability to unravel the age-old mysteries surrounding this evil infestation. Secret of the Silver Blades improves on the award-winning game system used in Pool of Radiance and Curse of the Azure Bonds. Continue your exciting saga in the FORGOTTEN REALMS’ game world - transfer your characters from Curse of the Azure Bonds. Or create all-new characters. Either way, explore the largest 3-D adventuring expanse ever in an AD&D computer game. Battle monsters you've never before encountered. Use higher character levels, and invoke new, wondrous spells. All this plus spectacular graphics add up to unequalled excitement in AD&D computer fantasy role-playing!

Even after defeating Myrtani and putting an end to the draconian threat, evil still lurks in Krynn. Your daring group of adventurers now face a far greater danger...the threat of the dreaded lord Soth and his growing undead army, plotting to destroy all that is good in Krynn.

Even after the good Dragonarmies defeated the evil Dragonarmies in the War of the Lance, there are still pockets of Evil left on the continent of Ansalon, which is located on the world of Krynn. Rampaging through the lands surrounding the cities which are still used as bases of power by the forces of Evil, the characters will uncover a plot by the Aurak Draconian Myrtani to lure the good armies into a trap and wipe them out.

As the story opens, you and your companions are celebrating in triumph. The caravan you've been guarding has just completed its dangerous passage to the trading town of Yartar. But the realms are full of danger and there is tension in the air. Great armies are on the move, and the relative peace of recent times will soon be shattered. Your party becomes a problem to the evil forces whose plans lie behind the current troubles. Only by the swiftness of your sword--on land and water--will you live to save the region from certain destruction.

After successfully fighting the evil forces trying to conquer Krynn, the supreme evil itself wishes to take over the fight. Once again, it's time to protect the land! As in the previous adventures, you need to build up your party, or import it from the previous game. The gameplay in Dark Queen of Krynn remains similar to the first two games, although the opponents do get tougher. The biggest difference is in the graphics.

As the game starts, your party of adventurers has just won a great victory over evil Zhentarium forces at the ancient city of Ascore. But there is still trouble in the land. Far to the southeast, the dwarfs of Llorkh are fighting for their lives as they launched a rebellion against their Zhentarim masters. The black-cloaked forces of evil are counterattacking fiercely as they strive to hold the last Zhentarim base in the Savage Frontier.