Popular games built on game engine M.U.G.E.N

I.K.E.M.E.N Go is a remake of the I.K.E.M.E.N in Google’s Programming Language “Go”. It is an open source fighting game and game engine that supports M.U.G.E.N resources.

a fighting game based on the scp universe

Megaman X Omega Blaster is an Arcade/Arena style fangame inspired by the classic saga arcades (Megaman: The power Battle & Megaman 2: The power fighters) but focused on the X saga but more dynamic, fun, challenging and with improved graphics.

MK Defenders of the Earth is a non-profit fan-game created by Daniloabella based on the classic games of the MK saga. Powered on Mugen, this game uses Borg117's Season 2 Final (Patch 4) as the base and material of the MKP 4.1 by MKP Team.