Popular games built on game engine Net Yaroze
Total Soccer is a fun sensible soccer-style football game.

Net Yaroze game by Chris Chadwick. Distributed through "Euro Demo 40" demo disc across Europe.

An irreverent low-poly action RPG made through Net Yaroze for the original Playstation

Terra Incognita a 3D action RPG in the tradition of Zelda, with basic hack-and-slash combat, platforming and simple box-based puzzles. It was created for Net Yaroze by Mitsuru Kamiyama, years before he was hired by Square Enix and create the Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles series.
Net Yaroze game made by Scott Cartier & David Dewitt.
Philippe-Andre Lorin's single screen shooting game made with Net Yaroze.
Koji Yoshikawa authored Net Yaroze game.
Net Yaroze shooting game.

Magic Castle was a PlayStation game developed with Net Yaroze. Production started in 1997 and the project was cancelled in 1998, Development was resumed in 2020 and while still not complete, the game is fully playable. At this point, the only missing features are the four player support and Japanese translation.