Popular games built on game engine Open Surge

A hand drawn fan remake of the Master System and Game Gear version of Sonic 2. Currently playable as a 7 level demo with multiple difficulty modes, a boss rush, and a time attack. Debuted at the Sonic Amateur games Expo 2022, the final game is expected to release by 2029. The game is powered by the open source "Open Surge" Engine and is developed by Just John 43, with an OST selected from across the Sonic community.

Speedy the Rollerskater SMS Edition is a demake of Speedy the Rollerskater using the Open Surge Engine. Besides fixing some issues of the original version, Speedy SMS Edition offers a 'What If' scenario...

Open Surge is a fun 2D retro platformer inspired by Sonic games and a game creation system that lets you unleash your creativity! Open Surge is two projects in one: a game and a game creation system (game engine). It is released as free and open source software.

A Sonic the Hedgehog Metroidvania inspired by the Metroid series and Axiom Verge.