Popular games built on game engine RENA

Dragon's Prophet is a massively multiplayer online role-playing game (MMORPG) developed by Taiwanese developer Runewaker Entertainment. After going through an open beta phase, the game was officially launched in September 2013. The game client is free to download, and no monthly subscription fee is required as the service is funded by real money transactions. On October 2, 2015 the North American and Japanese publishers announced plans to close the North American servers and the Japanese on November 16th and 30 October respectively.

Runes of Magic (RoM) is a massively multiplayer online role-playing game (MMORPG) developed by the Taiwanese developer Runewaker Entertainment and adapted for the English and German-speaking market by German company Frogster Interactive. Frogster has also opened servers for France, Spain, Poland, Italy, and Australia as well as servers dedicated to the European Union. After going through an open beta phase, the game was launched on March 19, 2009 and Chapter II – The Elven Prophecy was launched on September 15, 2009. The next chapter, Chapter III – The Elder Kingdoms, started April 22, 2010, however all of Chapter III did not become available until August 11, 2010. Chapter IV - Lands of Despair, was released June 16, 2011. The latest Chapter, Chapter V - Fires of Shadowforge, was released on June 12, 2012. The game client is free to download, and no monthly subscription fee is required because the service is funded by real money transactions (RMT) in the Runes of Magic Item Shop.

Embergarde is a MMORPG that's currently being developed by Runewaker Entertainment. The game is available for download but it still far from being completed. but it appears to be using the same engine (and assets) as their previous game, Dragon's Prophet.

Change is needed sometimes. After an awesome time with Dragon’s Prophet, we decided to change the main principle of the game and turn it towards the future. We are currently working on a new version and heard your most important feedback. With Savage Hunt comes a complete re-launch of the title. The new servers are already waiting to be launched. Since quality means a lot to us, we are currently conducting intense stress tests and are checking the game especially in the light of our new features.