Popular games for franchise Archer


Family Guy, Bob's Burgers, Futurama, American Dad, and King of the Hill join forces in Animation Throwdown, your favorite new collectible card game. Collect your favorite characters, combine cards to make hilarious combos, and battle your way through an adventure of animated proportions.


Throw yourself into the spy life with the world's greatest secret agent and his coworkers at the Agency. Fight on top of a moving train, take part in a shootout at the local spa, and evade the yakuza in a frantic car chase. Ride into a zone of... Wait a minute, I swear I had something for this... The Archer Pinball app features frantic and hilarious action, including authentic voiceovers and sound effects from the TV show, multiple mini-playfields with a unique progression system, unique achievements, and hotseat multiplayer so you can compete with your friends!