Popular games for franchise Futurama


Futurama begins when Professor Farnsworth sells his delivery ship to Mom, an evil businesswoman, giving her ownership of more than 50 percent of Earth. Now, with Mom threatening to enslave humanity, it's up to you to travel back in time to stop the deal from taking place. You can play as Fry, Bender, Leela, and Dr. Zoidberg, each with unique fighting skills and weapons. With each character, you must master their power-ups and complete their tasks to emerge victorious against Mom and her death bot troopers.


Family Guy, Bob's Burgers, Futurama, American Dad, and King of the Hill join forces in Animation Throwdown, your favorite new collectible card game. Collect your favorite characters, combine cards to make hilarious combos, and battle your way through an adventure of animated proportions.