Popular games for franchise Jay and SIlent Bob


Play as Jay and Silent Bob in a retro 8-bit sidescrolling brawler solo or with a friend. Pummel enemies with hard-hitting combos, dash attacks, and elbow drops as well as a random assortment of weapons as you battle your way out of the mall and back to the Quickstop.


Jump in the shoes of Lunch Box and Mr. Snoogans in a colorful Side-scrolling 2.5D over-the-top multiplayer brawler! Play as the dynamic duo alone or with a friend in a tag team combo fight fest. Destroy your enemies with fists, feet, and the magic of self-esteem destroying shit talk while you embark on a mission to find your long lost pot customers trapped in an Orwellian shopping center. Jay and Silent Bob: Chronic Blunt Punch is a colorful side-scrolling tag-team beat-em-up where players swap back and forth between our heroes on the fly or perform special moves simultaneously with a friend. Our heroes embark on an epic adventure from the humble corners where they ply their trade to the gates of hell itself.