Popular games for franchise Mr. Potato Head


Now you’re part of the action! In FAMILY GAME NIGHT 4: THE GAME SHOW, you can experience the fun and excitement of the popular TV show right in your own living room!


When Mr. Potato Head: School Rush tries to get you to school on time, you can expect as many twists and turns as the number of detachable parts on his body! An exciting, interactive saga awaits when you try to keep Mr. Potato Head: School Rush in one piece!


Mr. Potato Head is a cancelled game developed by Electronic Arts. No details of the game are currently known apart from it's mention on a concept artists resume.


An educational computer game released in 1997, The Mr. Potato Head Activity Pack was a small collection of game modes where players could express their creativity. Players could draw, use stamps, make greeting cards, dress up Mr. Potato Head, create and solve jigsaw puzzles, and play Connect-The-Dots.


A game starring the popular children's toy