Popular games for franchise Small Soldiers


This game based on the movie of the same name, it does not follow the story of the movie, instead focusing on the struggle of the Gorgonites to defend their homeland of Gorgon from the invading Commandos. This game is unrelated to the Game Boy and PC release of the same name.


An RTS game based on the Movie Small Soldiers (1998).


Small Soldiers: Globotech Design Lab is a 1998 PC strategy/action game based on the film Small Soldiers. In it, you can either design and build your own squad of soldiers or choose from pre-built characters. The two teams are the Gorgonites or Commando Elite. You choose specific parts you want your soldiers to have, such as arms and legs. You can also choose what kind of computer chip controls the soldier, what kind of voice they have and what weapons he will carry. After you create your soldiers, you then battle the opposite team. It was published by Hasbro Interactive.


Small Soldiers is a platformer based on the movie of the same name. The plot revolves around a war between two factions of toy soldiers, the Gorgonites and the the Commando Elite. The player takes the role of Archer, the leader of the Gorgonites, who has to cross five levels while facing the Commando Elite's soldiers. The goal is simply to find the goal without dying; in one instance within a hidden time limit. However, during the first four levels Archer is completely defenseless and has to dodge the enemies. The last level introduces two new gameplay mechanics: a bow which stuns enemies and simple switch puzzles. The levels are side-scrolling, but there are junctions. This game is unrelated to the PlayStation and PC release of the same name.


Giga Pets are digital pet toys. Available in a variety of different characters, each Giga Pet is a palm-sized unit with an LCD screen and attached key ring. To ensure a happy, healthy pet, its owner has to take care of it similar to how one might care for a real animal, including feeding, cleaning, and playing with their Giga Pet.


A keychain game based on the Small Soldiers movie.