Sensei, Issho ni Kitekuremasu ka?

Genre: Visual Novel
The protagonist, Shigenobu Aoki, is a teacher with the goal of “being a teacher who can be close to his students.” Aoki is curious about a student named Saki Furukawa who's in his class this year, who had suffered severe injuries to his face. When he asked the other teachers, it seems that Furukawa is "always like that". Thinking that it’s strange that he's always injured, Aoki tries to talk to Furukawa, but...


Could be interesting


One day, a boy named Stepan (Styu) wakes up and realizes that this is his last night at home. His mother tells him that he is moving to a hotel for a month. Not just any, but a real Carpathian Castle. It has everything that a person can imagine when they think of entertainment. Billiards, swimming pool, water park, massage, aromatherapy and even roller coasters. Will Styu be able to cope with the challenges he faces? With your childhood fears and the yoke of adulthood? Will he find a job or become homeless? Or maybe it's all about something else? You will be able to find out in this fascinating short story.


"That day..." It's been a year since July 22, but the trauma still haunts me. Mio died, Kazuha disappeared. And I was left all alone to continue my dismal existence in a murky, hazy world. But then, out of nowhere, Mio, whom I thought dead, reappeared before me. She introduced herself as a transfer student. Apparently, she wasn't the Mio I knew, just a stranger who looked a great deal like her. Now, tell me, do coincidences like this usually happen?


For Tan Yan, there is little hope his life will change. It's like his whole life is trapped inside a snowdome, unable to escape. But, what if, one day, he's given the chance to make a change?


An extra arc originally included in Umineko no Naku Koro ni Tsubasa where Gohda tells of the time he first signed on to serve the Ushiromiya family and the strange events he witnessed.


The scrapped version of Jingai Makyou that was released at Comiket in 2003. It differs significantly from the final version and was only ever released as a short demo.


-- Goodbye, my angel.


Aria Iwakura is an adventure game. You can advance the story by exploring the mansion and finding key items. It is a multi-ending and has nine endings.


A short game about you and your mom. But instead of feeling like home, why does it feel like the opposite instead?


Late in the day, an older lady approaches one of her local prosecutors to enquire about a case of discrimination. Meanwhile, someone is remembering an absurd event from their early days in an office.


Doujin game inspired by ONE ~Kagayaku Kisetsu e~. Contains three separate stories with three different protagonists: "Stay.": Nagamori Mizuka tries to cope with Kouhei's sudden disappearance. "Before it turns into a memory": Kawana Misaki tries to find out what happened to Orihara Kouhei, with the help of Kouzuki Mio and Miyama Yukimi. "Sweet": Orihara Kouhei and Satomura Akane enjoy their daily life as boyfriend and girlfriend.