Sonic Recharged

Genre: Platform
"Sonic Recharged" is a fangame that takes place after the events of S3&K in an alternate timeline, this timeline consists of Sonic, Tails, and Knuckles as they go through new strange never before seen zones within Angel Island. Robotnik isn't alone on his endevours this time around, as he's created a perfectly equal Eggrobo. But as most of the plans for the doctor fail, the Eggrobo still shares his old memories from the events of S&K which leads the crazed machine to target Knuckles and Knuckles only.


Could be interesting


Amy’s Rascal Race is fan made spinoff starring Amy Rose! Join Amy as she is spirited away to a mysterious uncharted island by a mysterious gemstone. During her ride, her exposure to the gemstone grants her new ballerina twirling abilities! She is joined by a new foxy buddy where they together with their new ballerina abilities must traverse this island in this new silly 2.5 platformer! Here you will find that ballerina twirling is not only pretty but deadly to your foes, you will also find that it can also help spin you far and wide and traverse great heights! twirl on walls and ceilings, or twirl off of walls and ramps! Twirl to solve problems and overcome challenges! You better get going then! you will need to twirl to the peak of the island to solve why you were called there!


Sonic Ringworlds is planned to be an SA1-like Sega Saturn homebrew game.


Sonic Kick is a Sonic fangame inspired by the Advance and Rush series, meant to be the combination of Rush's adrenaline-fueling speed and Advance's momentum-oriented origins, all built from the ground up.


Sonic Hoshi is a 2D fan game that fits in-between the story of Sonic the Hedgehog 2 and 3.



Luigi and the Quest for Nothing is a fangame created by Lu9 starring Luigi as the main protagonist.


Game modes



