Tennis no Ouji-sama: Gakuensai no Ouji-sama

Tennis no Ouji-sama: Gakuensai no Ouji-sama is an otome game, developed by WinkySoft and published by Konami, which was released in Japan in 2005.
The Atobe group has decided to sponsor a school festival which involves the local schools’ tennis teams. You are a 14 year old heroine who is in charge of managing a team and the festival. Your duties include arranging activities, and organizing people. You’ll have to get in contact with the members of the team so they can lend a hand, get to know one another, chat with them, and maybe even develop an intimate relationship with one of them…


Part of franchise:
The Prince of Tennis (last 3 games)


Rhythm game of The New Prince of Tennis released on iOS and Android devices.


A Nintendo 3DS game based off the anime The Prince of Tennis.


Tennis no Ouji-sama Gyutto! Doki-doki Survival Umi to Yama no Love Passion is an Adventure game, developed and published by Konami, which was released in Japan in 2011.

Could be interesting


Uwasa no Midori-kun!! Futari no Midori!? is the second game based off the manga Uwasa no Midori-kun.


The second of the four Starry Sky games starring the characters from the drama CD's of the same name. Starry Sky takes place at Seigatsu Gakuen, a school which specializes in horoscopes, astronomy and other related topics. The main characters are all based on horoscopes. Starry Sky Summer features Homare Kanakubo (Taurus), Ryuunosuke Miyaji (Scorpio) and Azusa Kinose (Sagittarius).


The third of the four Starry Sky games starring the characters from the drama CD's of the same name. Starry Sky takes place at Seigatsu Gakuen, a school which specializes in horoscopes, astronomy and other related topics. The main characters are all based on horoscopes. Starry Sky Autumn features Kotarou Hoshizuki (Libra), Naoshi Haruki (Leo) and Iku Mizushima (Gemini).


Starry Sky: After Autumn is a sequel to Starry Sky: In Autumn, continuing after the normal ending in the original game.


The fourth of the four Starry Sky games starring the characters from the drama CDs of the same name.


Fandisc for the original Starry Sky: After Winter game.


Tennis no Ouji-sama: DokiDoki Survival - Umibe no Secret is an Adventure game, developed by WinkySoft and published by Konami, which was released in Japan in 2007.


A PS2 otome game.


An otome game for PS2.


A PS2 otome game.