
Genre: Visual Novel
Tsuyokiss is about the lives of a group of high school students and the often comedic events that occur around them. The protagonist is an ordinary boy named Leo Tsushima. He is secretly in love with the eldest daughter of the Kiriya Corporation, Erika Kiriya, who is also the student council president. One day, a senior female student, Otome Kurogane, knocks out several of the main characters when they were trying to sneak into school being late. Surprisingly, it turns out that she is Leo’s beloved cousin that he had not seen for years. And she decides to move in to the same house with Leo, whose mediocre life starts to change into something a lot more exciting.


Could be interesting


A romantic comedy visual novel centered around a girl named Mika Anderson, who gets entangled in the affairs of incubi.


The most kuso a game can have. This is the Kusoge.


Gakuen Hyoryuu Senki is a comedic visual novel.


Your friend sets you up on a date with his NEET Cousin Kara.


Confessing love to someone is one of the most intimidating challenges we face in our lives. Kaguya-sama: Love is War takes this relatable fear to the extreme. This visual novel isn't your average rom-com; it's a fight between two stubborn geniuses in a battle of who will confess first.


Freckles is left at home sick as their partner, Beads, goes out to buy them medication.


Are you desperate for love this Valentine's week? Well head on down to the Rat Hole Nightclub and mix it up with some of Scythe's locals to find romance! Have fun, fall in love, & remember to open up your heart, all the way. Rip it open! A brand new dating experience where you pursue romance at the hip Rat Hole nightclub. But on this night - vulnerability can be deadly!


Aster's a simple girl, at her core. All she really wants to do is enjoy her new life at uni, join a club, and spend every possible waking moment playing Magica Fantasia Online (she's not addicted) with her online crush Starsiren. She's gonna tell her, OK? Just... when they meet up for MagiCon. Honest. However, a teeny tiny complication arises on her first day at uni, when Aster just so happens to bump into Maristela, the single prettiest girl she's ever seen in her entire life. And she's not just pretty. Mari's smart, she's funny, and Aster would happily listen to her ramble for hours about whatever the heck she wants to, if only she had a little more courage to do so. Torn between the friend she's loved forever, and the new girl who it feels like she's always known, Aster faces the toughest decision imaginable, and she's not even been here for a week! A game about love, new experiences, and the fact that nerdy neurodivergent girls are cute and you should date them.


Mamiya Hibiki is a regular guy with not so regular interests. He’s a huge fan of the decade-old drama series Possessive Boyfriends, and his favourite character by far is Kirisaki Shin: a deranged yandere who expresses his love with continuous threats of entrapment, torture, and murder. Hibiki might enjoy fictional characters threatening to kill him, but he’s far less receptive about real men teasing him about these desires. That’s what Hibiki thinks, at least – until he runs into his silver-tongued tormentor yet again, and things start to get serious…