Popular games for platform Call-A-Computer time-shared mainframe computer system


Achteon was originally released on a mainframe computer, similar to Zork. And just like Zork it is a fantasy treasure hunt with 400 rooms and 200 objects, and therefore is much bigger than its more famous companion.


Highnoon is a BASIC game developed by Christopher Gaylo from Syosset High School, New York in early 1970 on a timeshared mainframe computer. The game is single-player and set in the Wild West in 1889. The objective of the game is a showdown between the player and Black Bart. The status of the game, actions available and results of each action are written to the system console as textual descriptions. Turns are taken to either move closer, run, or shoot. Both the player and Bart have four shots and the odds of hitting each other increase as the player closes the 100 paces between each.


Core War is a 1984 programming game created by D. G. Jones and A. K. Dewdney in which two or more battle programs (called "warriors") compete for control of a virtual computer. These battle programs are written in an abstract assembly language called Redcode.