Popular games for collection Farland story


This is a sequel to the first Farland Story game, released in early 1994. The game looks very similarly to its predecessor. The entire gameplay is dedicated to strategic battles, during which you navigate your large party in turn-based mode over the world map. Once you have issued commands to all your party members, it's the enemies' turn to act. You can attack enemies when they are in range of your weapon, or cast healing and offensive area spells. Your characters level up, can use items, and equip a variety of weapons and armor pieces.


The eighth entry in the Farland Story series.


Farland Story is the first in the row of successful Japanese strategy RPG games released in 1993. Farland Story consists entirely of battles (save cut scenes and the ability to shop if you are near a town after a battle). During battles, you move Arc and his party over the terrain, and attack when there are enemies in range. The party consists of different classes - knights attack with swords, archers specialize in long-ranged combat, priestesses heal, etc. Every attack leads to a counter-attack, from the enemy's side as well as from yours. You gain experience points for every attack, and can level up in the middle of a battle.


The direct sequel to the original Farland Odyssey by TGL.


Farland Story is the first in the row of successful Japanese strategy RPG games. The main hero of the game is a knight named Arc, who is in love with the beautiful priestess Ferio. One day, when Arc and his best friend Randia are out of town, a hostile army under the command of a mysterious Black Knight invades the town and kidnaps Ferio. Thus begins Arc's quest to defeat the enemies and to rescue his beloved one from their clutches. Farland Story consists entirely of battles (save cut scenes and the ability to shop if you are near a town after a battle). During battles, you move Arc and his party over the terrain, and attack when there are enemies in range. The party consists of different classes - knights attack with swords, archers specialize in long-ranged combat, priestesses heal, etc. Every attack leads to a counter-attack, from the enemy's side as well as from yours. You gain experience points for every attack, and can level up in the middle of a battle.


A spin-off title in the Farland Story RPG franchise.


Farland Story 2 is an independent side-story to the Farland Story series (this game shouldn't be confused with Farland Story Denki: Arc Ou no Ensei, which is also known as "Farland Story 2"). The game is set in the same time line as the second and the third "mainstream" Farland Story games, 20 years after Arc has become a king. Peace has returned to the world, but on the continent of Ionia, an emperor is plotting an evil scheme. His son Riad refuses to accept the methods of his father, especially when he wants to use Serena, a girl he loves, for his plans of war and conquest. During a quarrel, Riad attacks the emperor's minister, and is forced to flee the castle together with Serena. The adventure of the runaway prince begins... Graphically and gameplay-wise, the game is similar to other Farland Story games, although its setting is generally more dark. The game consists of large strategic battles, during which you move your party over the battle location, attacking enemies physically when they are in range of your weapons, and casting healing and offensive magic. Like in other Farland Story games, the death of the main character (Riad in this case) means instant Game Over.


The seventh entry in the Farland Story series.


Farland Story: Tenshi no Namida is a sequel to Farland Story II, released in mid 1994. The third in the row of Farland Story games, this title looks and plays very similarly to the first two games. You navigate your party over the world map in turn-based fashion. After you have assigned commands to your party members, it is the enemies' turn. You can attack physically when enemies are in range of your weapon, or cast spells - each character in your party belongs to a certain class and specializes in different type of combat. You gain experience points directly from hitting an enemy, even while counter-attacking, and can therefore level up in the middle of a battle.


Chronologically the fourth Farland Story game, "Shirogane no Tsubasa" makes a fresh start story-wise, bring the first Farland Story not to deal with the hero Arc and his friends. In this game, you follow the destiny of a rebel group, who had to flee from the evil despot Pepper. Led by the cat-man Darland and the fugitive Phir, the rebels must overcome all possible obstacles in order to put an end to the evil reign and to restore peace in the land. Although the game has a different story, it still looks and plays more or less the same way as the first three Farland Story games. The game consists of strategic battles, during which you navigate your party members in turn-based mode over the map, attacking enemies when they are in range, and casting spells. Various type of terrain influences your attacks. For example, if you position your character on a square with a castle, his/her HP will be healed.


The sixth in the row on Farland Story games, "Kamigami no Isen" is set in a different world than the rest: a retro-style, Western-like environment with elements of sci-fi. You control a thief named Grey, who one day gets caught "in flagrante", and is saved by a girl named Elicia. It seems that Elicia and her sister have to escape the house, persecuted by enemies. Grey decides to help the sister, and gets involved in a conspiracy he would never dream about. Despite having a totally different story and setting, this Farland Story game still looks and plays more or less exactly the same as its predecessors. You have a party which you navigate on the screen in turn-based mode, assigning commands to it (such as "Move", "Heal", etc.) Some characters have special commands (like "Sneak" for Grey). Whenever you and the enemy attack each other, a short animated attack sequence is shown. You can use various types of terrain to your advantage (different for each character type). As in previous Farland Story games, you gain experience points directly after performing any action in a battle.


Toki no Michishirube is a direct sequel to the first Farland Saga game. It is an anime-style strategy RPG which consists mainly of large strategic battles, taking place on isometric battle fields.


An alternative retelling of the original story on PC98. Though instead of an Isometric SRPG it uses a "top down" view.