Popular games for collection Runabout


Go anywhere, smash anything that gets in your way. It's not always about driving well in New York - sometimes it's about getting from A to B by any means. If it involves taking out a few cars, buses, fire engines, taxis, delivery vans, telephone boxes, jumping a few ramps, making a few shortcuts... then so be it!


Sporting game developers at Hot-B deliver this urban racing game for the PlayStation. Players will pilot as many as 31 different vehicles as they work through 13 high-energy, high-stakes missions. A variety of strategies can be used to complete missions, some of which focus on speed and precision while others require banging, bumping, and violent crashes. Players may want to tune up their vehicles between missions, adjusting suspension, brakes, tires, and acceleration for spot-on performance.


Drive around San Francisco doing odd jobs and stopping a criminal syndicate from taking over. Includes everything from an Indy car to limousine.


Hit and run, baby! Thrash beach-front property, police cars, glass fronted mini-malls and billboards -- essentially, any and everything goes for the greatest joyride of your life! The mission is grab the goods, destroy what you can and get the heck outta town...fast!