Popular games published by company Crows Crows Crows


The modern field of Accountancy is a serious and honorable profession. Many human beings have spent their lives toiling over the hard science of numbers. Thousands have died so that we may get to the level of understanding that we have today. Thousands have died. However, as Accountants and Numbersmiths embraced the abacus and the calculator, today we must embrace the latest technological advancement.


A 15 minute heist game by Crows Crows Crows & Directed by William Pugh (The Stanley Parable). Slip into the soft-soled shoes of the mastermind responsible for the greatest heist- oh god I can’t do this any more, i’m joining the strike. good luck writing the steam description. -tina


Accounting returns to its roots with Accounting+, a nIGHTMARE aDVENTURE cOMEDY made by Crows Crows Crows and designed with Squanch Games! Double the size of the original Accounting (one of the most popular titles on the HTC Vive), Accounting+ features new things that the original did not have, continuing to combine the absurd creative sensibilities of William Pugh (The Stanley Parable), Justin Roiland (Rick and Morty) and Dominik Johann (Minit) to baffling extremes. Before the 19th of December 2017 there has never been a video game in which you join a gang with A Dog voiced by Rich Fulcher (The Mighty Boosh)… But we used to live in dark and disturbing times.


Eat is the ultimate disruption of the hierarchical power structure at the heart of society. Those who own the means of production rule the masses. In the cruel world of Uncle Hunger, we are truly all slaves…


The Best Game Ever Made (but in twine form)