Popular games built on game engine C#


Help Frederick save Goldie!!


A Touhou fangame that takes heavy inspiration from the Mega Man Battle Network series, as well as from the Mega Man Zero and Mega Man Star Force series. Development was canceled in 2018 after the original developer received a DMCA from Capcom, but the game has continued to receive unofficial development from fans.


You start your adventure in the ashes of your home vowing for revenge! It doesn't have to be violent, you can talk your way out of some battles. It can be very violent, you can kill NPCs and steal their stuff but it will make you evil! You can disarm your opponents before they wound you. Play Epic Prose Special Edition for the adventure of a lifetime! This is a remake of my game Epic Prose, it has many new features and mechanics that I did not have the time to put in, it is nearly complete and when done I will be releasing the code as a library.


A space based 4x game that has endless possibilities, open ended in terms of design.


HackRack is a game where you live in a city and use your hacking skills to influence the world around you. The player will encounter many people and organizations, and their hacks will impact the world around them. The player will need to expand their living space and secret server room to accommodate computing racks, which can be customized to provide the power, traits, and abilities that their viruses require to overcome even the most secure of systems.