Popular games built on game engine Ink


A tale of primeval forces, unknown, uncaring, and unearthed.


Blood & Company is a work of interactive fiction with multiple endings, and about 3,000 total words in total, written for The Queer Vampire IF Jam. "Your name is Zach. You’re 23, you were an art major in the two years of college you completed, oh, and you’re a vampire." Play as Zach, who has survived his blood-sucking life so far by keeping to himself, never getting attached to the people he relies on for sustenance. Tonight, though, he's starting to feel a connection with the chatty grad student he plans to bite...


You are a Psychic Brand Ambassador for Schtupmeister Beer. Listen to the thoughts of customers at the local Applebee's and convince them to try your syrupy ale. But will being in these peoples' heads convince you to get involved in their lives?


"So, About Last Night..." is an interactive web-based novella. Taking place in 1996 Southern California, Lacey tries finding the girl she hooked up with before she woke up with the worst hangover of her life and an impulse to drink blood.


Romance is complicated. Romance with an ovipositor is complicateder.


It's been years since dragonsblood destiny online had enough active members to make it worth keeping the servers running, so it's finally shutting down. You and some of your old guild decide to reunite - including shewolf87, who you haven't spoken to in years, and whose real name you don't even know. But you know you loved her all those years ago, and you know there's still something left. Can you tell someone you love them, at the end of the world?


A sci-fi mystery interactive fiction game. Figure out what your mysterious dream means; discover the truth of MYTHIA.


In Ten Years is a piece of interactive fiction about a group of friends in a small town and the moments and places that draw them together


You are a young doppelganger, fresh out of School of Humanity, finally realizing your life-long dream to own a human-centric business. You offer a unique service: imitation on demand, living through situations the humans would rather pass on. Embarrassing? Shameful? Boring? You can experience all those feelings on behalf of your clients, while they enjoy their day, unbothered, somewhere far away. Change into others! Learn the secrets of the City of Sand! Avoid foreclosure!


In Sentry, you play as a social media content moderator. How many days can you last before you're fired for filing too many incorrect reports? How many images of exploited children and beheadings can you endure before you can't take it any longer?


A choose-your-own-adventure heartbreak in the shape of a quiz. A short story that's sort of like if a prose poem and a buzzfeed quiz had a baby and they all fucking hated you.


Born to a city of wonders beyond your reach, scarcity has always been a close friend. As a courier, the city’s human infrastructure, you scale its roofworks, evade its constables, risk death every day for others’ convenience — until opportunity crosses your path, and you’re allowed to discover what you believe beyond survival. Given a scrap of power, how do you reinvent yourself, your relationship to the city, its people? Will it allow you to maintain a companionship based on mutual struggle? And, beneath it all, from where do the canals in this desert flow?


Cover Me In Leaves is an experimental work of interactive horror fiction, about bright minds, and the end of all things. Fresh out of high school, with no prospects or aspirations, you've remained here in your small town. Everyone you knew and loved has moved on for better things. You're alone. So you get your first tattoo. And then the trees start calling.