Popular games for franchise Tokyo Majin Gakuen


The second entry in the Tokyo Majin Gakuen franchise, a series of hybrid titles that mix school life adventure gameplay with strategy RPG battles.


As with the tradition of Tokyo Majin Gakuen franchise, Tokyo Majin Gakuen: Gehoujou is an adventure/strategy RPG hybrid. In adventure mode, players interacts with characters for answers. Affecting the answers and overall story progression are nine "emotions": love, friendship, joy, agreement, sorrow, anger, indecision, scorn, and ignorance. In battle mode, the party fights on isometric battle screens, moving around the battlefield and attacking when enemies are in range.


A portable entry in the Tokyo Majin Gakuen series, featuring a trading card game mixed with RPG elements.


A remake of Tokyo Majin Gakuen: Gehouchou. As with the tradition of Tokyo Majin games, this is an adventure/strategy RPG hybrid.


The first entry in the Tokyo Majin Gakuen franchise, a series of hybrid titles that mix school life adventure gameplay with strategy RPG battles.