Action Man: Jungle Storm
In this kids game based on the 3D animated television series, you play as the heroic Action Man out to find out why a secret agent mysteriously disappeared on a tropical island. The villainous Dr. X and his partner in crime Professor Gangrene are joined by new characters Kraken and Imperial Dragon.
You explore the island bases with mouse base movement or optional keyboard use, following the agent's trail through jungles, and underwater and volcanic locations. Using your extreme skills and more than 10 equipment items from the current toy range such as Scuba Extreme, Skateboard Extreme, Stealth Jet, Polar Bike, Falcon Master, and Jungle Explorer, you must find out Dr. X's evil plans and stop them in order to save the world.
In this kids game based on the 3D animated television series, you play as the heroic Action Man out to find out why a secret agent mysteriously disappeared on a tropical island. The villainous Dr. X and his partner in crime Professor Gangrene are joined by new characters Kraken and Imperial Dragon. You explore the island bases with mouse base movement or optional keyboard use, following the agent's trail through jungles, and underwater and volcanic locations. Using your extreme skills and more than 10 equipment items from the actual toy range such as Scuba Extreme, Skateboard Extreme, Stealth Jet, Polar Bike, Falcon Master, and Jungle Explorer, you must find out Dr. X's evil plans and stop them in order to save the world.
Could be interesting
Age Rating