Block Fever

Could be interesting

Blockbuster, also known as Impact in Europe, is a Break Out clone. The user controls a paddle and needs to catch a ball with the paddle each time it comes down. When the ball hits a brick, it is destroyed (unless it's made indestructible). Sometimes, a bonus will come out of the brick. This adds to the 'bonus score'. When the player collected one or more bonuses, they may 'release' them, and they receives a powerup. Each 'bonus score' has a different powerup: the most powerful powerups need the largest number of bonus points. Impact comes with a lot of levels and a level editor.

The world of Beta Bloc is made up of 7 citadels and dungeons, guarded by legendary monsters! Use your paddle to fight your way through more than 120 stages, casting magic spells to fight tough foes!

Brick breaking game for Xbox 360.

Crystaloid is a brick-and-ball game for Android-based devices and Xbox 360.

Colors -Break Bricks- is a mobile bat-and-brick game that had design input from Tomonobu Itagaki.

Arkanoid-ish Breakout game for iOS.

With two adjectives, it's got to be good!

Bizarre Breakout clone.

Breakout-style game by SunA Co. that features several famous arts in the background (some with nudity) and some well-known songs such as "Chorando Se Foi"/"Lambada" and "Ode to Joy". As you progress through the stages, the player will also come across bizarre bosses, such as a clown's head with stretching arms.