Panic Space

Genre: Puzzle Strategy
The second game to be released as a coverdisk special for the Japanese Famimaga magazine. Panic Space is a game based around the laser deflection puzzles that are common in games in the Zelda series as well as others. Panic Space, or Famimaga Disk Vol. 2 Panic Space, is a puzzle game in which the goal is to reflect a laser to an exit panel in order to open the way to the next stage. The laser cannot hit any of the stage's surrounding wall: were it do so, it would cause the level to explode and the player to lose a life (from an initial allotment of five, though this can be increased while playing the game). Much of the time the various reflectors (which send the beam off at a 90 degree angle) and blocks (which simply stop the laser in its tracks) must be maneuvered into place before the laser should be tested on them. The robotic protagonist also has access to three different power-ups. These appear on every level and quickly cycles through the three types - the player must grab it when it stops on the desired power-up. These include a stopwatch that extends the time the player has to complete the stage, a bomb can that can eliminate one block and is occasionally necessary to beat stages and a galaxy spiral that can be placed anywhere to temporarily stop the laser.


Part of collection:
Famimaga Disk (last 3 games)


The sixth and final game featured as the coverdisk of the Japanese Famimaga magazine. Janken Disk Shiro is a block-pushing puzzle game based on the playground game Janken (Rock, Paper, Scissors). Janken Disk Shiro, or Famimaga Disk Vol. 6 Janken Disk Shiro, is a puzzle game in which the protagonist (who looks uncannily like Disk-kun, the mascot of the Famicom Disk System) must brave a labyrinth of puzzles. In each room there are three variants of hand-shaped blocks between the hero and the exit: each one either making the "scissors" gesture, the "rock" gesture or the "paper" gesture. Pushing a block adjacent to another of a different type causes whichever was the inferior (e.g. with paper and rock, rock is the inferior) to vanish. In addition, each block has a "strength" which is signified by its color: green is level 1, yellow is level 2 and red is level 3. If a green block is pushed next to an inferior red block, the red block will instead become yellow instead of vanishing (and then green with a subsequent superior block, and then will vanish after a third). Gameplay revolves around finding the right blocks to push together to clear a way to the exit. Not every block needs to be eliminated: just those that are direct obstacles between the player and the end of the stage. The game adopts a familiar veneer of the typical 8-bit fantasy RPG: The player starts in a small town in which they can talk to NPCs and purchase power-ups, they can visit the King in his castle to begin their quest and they can visit the dungeons in which the puzzles are found (after receiving permission from the King). Janken Disk Shiro has the distinction of being the very last game ever produced for the Famicom Disk System. The peripheral had been effectively retired by the 90s due to advancements in NES cart technology.


The fourth game featured as a coverdisk on the Japanese magazine Famimaga, Clocks is a Tetris variant in which clock faces must be placed together form larger shapes. Clocks, or Famimaga Disk Vol. 4 Clocks (and occasionally as "Clox"), is a falling blocks puzzle game that is superficially similar to Tetris or Columns. Single clock faces depicting one of four angles fall from the top and the player needs to manipulate and place them so they can form larger objects, such as simple formations like squares, diamonds and hourglass shapes to more object-intensive shapes like octagons and hexagons. The four angles include 180 degree lines ("12:30"), 90 degree lines ("12:15"), 135 degree lines ("~12:22") and 45 degree lines ("~12:07"). Once a clock face is placed, the lines from it extend to connect to any other lines that surround it. Placing lines in such a way that it forms a shape - for example, placing four 90 degree clocks in such a way to form a square - earns the player points and removes the clocks used to form the shape. Larger shapes are more risky but earn more points. The player is given some leeway to recover from mistakes: should the player hold the down button to make a clock fall faster, it'll destroy any clocks underneath. A misplacement, therefore, can be rectified with a correctly positioned clock if it falls quickly enough to crush the offending clock. However, the player can only do this a limited number of times per stage.


The third game to be released as a coverdisk for the Japanese Famimaga magazine. All One is a block-pushing puzzle game in which every die must have their "one" side facing upwards. All One, or Famimaga Disk Vol. 3 All One, is a puzzle game in which the player controls a ladybug pushing over dice. The goal of each stage is to push all the dice onto their side so that their "one" side is facing upwards. The player is given a smaller first-person view window from the ladybug's perspective to allow them to see the sides of each die and plan out their strategy. As with other block-pushing puzzle games, the game becomes similar to Sokoban or Adventures of Lolo in its complexity as it progresses: there is often only a few (or just one) paths to successfully solving a stage and the player will need to restart if they make a mistake.

Could be interesting


Guide a group of space settlers trying to establish an outpost on a remote planet. Grow food, collect energy, mine resources, manufacture bots, and build a fully self-sufficient colony.


StarDrive 2 is a 4X Turn Based Strategy game built in the classic style of the singular and incredible Master of Orion 2. In StarDrive 2 you will explore a vibrant galaxy filled with danger and intrigue in a deep turn-based strategy layer. You will design custom spaceships and deploy them into real-time battles with spectacular graphics and effects. You will conquer worlds in a turn-based tactical ground combat mode. You'll deal with aliens, pirates, monsters, and ancient threats, most of whom want to kill you to make room for their own empires. StarDrive 2 also features a "Battle Arena" mode where you can get right to the action by designing ships and playing through story-based campaigns with your fleet. Earn money as you work through the challenges to unlock new ships and weapons. And of course, you can customize your race for a unique experience, engage in deep diplomatic negotiations, research hundreds of different technologies (or maybe steal them with your spies), control strategic resources for the benefit of your empire, enslave enemy citizens, build armies of giant mechs, and so much more. In the end, StarDrive 2 provides a comprehensive and beautiful 4X experience. Check out our screenshots and our videos and come join us on the forums. We have a large and active community and would love to have you come share your thoughts and questions with us.


In Imagine Earth, players must protect and nurture a fledgeling space colony while wrestling against the forces of corporate greed and climate change. Establish trade, research new technologies, form alliances and wage economic warfare in a real-time battle for galactic survival. Features: Boldly Go: Imagine Earth is a real-time planet simulation and a build up strategy game. Your job as a space colony manager is to explore distant planets, build up profitable colonies, and trade resources into space. Many ways to play: A multi-planet story campaign, ‘competition’ mode with five enemy factions, ‘free play mode with endless procedurally generated challenges, and a Planet Editor with custom building and terraforming. Hold the line: Use tower defence mechanics to protect your colony from invading aliens, marauding space pirates, and swarms of locusts. Hostile takeover: Form alliances with other colonies and intergalactic traders, or wage crafty economic warfare to secure total financial dominance for your planet. Carbon footprint: Earth has been destroyed by an ecological collapse - will your new home go the same way? Keep your worldwide emissions to a minimum, or else suffer rising sea levels, freak weather events, and more.


We take the colony sim genre into the near future, onto a lush planet where humans are making their first foothold. Characters and alien wildlife are brought to life through a rigorous simulation and the game plays out as a tug-of-war between humans and nature on a planet full of opportunities and dangers. Understanding the alien environment is crucial - discovered resources and crafting options enable you to adapt when food gets scarce, equipment breaks and alien animals attack.


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The Earthlings have joined the interstellar club. The galaxy will never be the same. The year is 2086 and Earth has detected an alien distress call originating from the surface of Triton. In response, Star Control is formed with you as The Captain of Earth's first prototype starship.


Sol 0 is a real time strategy game where you establish the first Martian colony. From the first human footprints on Martian soil to a thriving and self-sustaining colony, Sol 0 imagines a near future using technology that could be available within the next few decades. Make use of minerals and resources across the Martian surface to expand from the first exploratory rover to an independent frontier.


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A brand-new spaceship sandbox MMO set in an alternate New Eden, the sci-fi universe of Eve Online.