Marshmallow is a Japanese Yume Nikki Fangame created by Hokotate Makoto in RPG Maker XP.
Remember to Remember is a Yume Nikki fangame by emrbt. You play as Pale, a boy with amnesia who is staying in a hospital.
Dream "ID" Journey is a Japanese Yume Nikki fangame.
YuMayhem (夢異変) is a Japanese Yume Nikki fangame.
A simple Yume Nikki fan game. Explore the dream world and collect all of the effects to win.
Collective Unconscious is a collaborative, multiplayer game that draws inspiration from Yume Nikki and its fangames. You control Minnatsuki, a mysterious character wandering around a dream-like world full of spirits and otherworldly beings. The game is exclusively made for an online multiplayer experience, and hosted under the Yume Nikki Online Project server. Discover new worlds, gather collectibles, and share a unique experience with your friends across the spirit world!
Explore the quiet dreams of Ame, a young girl unwilling to leave her bedroom. A Yume Nikki fangame developed in six weeks for Dream Diary Jam 8.
Lapis Lazuli is a Yume Nikki fangame for Dream Diary Jam 8, where you can explore the dreams of a young boy named Yasuo.
MuMuMu is a traditional Yume Nikki Fangame about exploring dream worlds.
A short Yume Nikki-style RPG Maker game.