TKKG: Das Unheimliche Zimmer

Actually, the four friends of TKKG just wanted to go for a bike ride, turn their backs on the city of millions and spend a relaxing weekend in the countryside.
But when they are surprised by a thunderstorm and have to seek shelter in an abandoned hotel, they come across a terrible secret ... And before they know it, they are in the middle of a thrilling criminal case, in which it quickly becomes clear that this is no ordinary case. The clues lead into the past - a past that scares the inhabitants of the small village Oberfeldbach so much that they don't want to talk about it.
Is this case perhaps a bit too big for TKKG?
Part of franchise:
(last 3 games)

Investigate with TKKG in a new, exciting case that you do not know from the radio plays or books! In this one, more and more students feel no longer safe at the boarding school. What about the rumors of extortion and intimidation at school? Help TKKG uncover the evil machinations and stop the malefactors!


Investigate with TKKG in a new, exciting case that you do not know from the radio plays or books! Together with Tim, Karl, Klößchen and Gaby you search for clues, evidence and question witnesses. Only if you repeatedly slip into the different roles of the detectives and cleverly combine them, you will solve the crime in an exciting finale.