Popular games for franchise TKKG

Investigate with TKKG in a new, exciting case that you do not know from the radio plays or books! In this one, more and more students feel no longer safe at the boarding school. What about the rumors of extortion and intimidation at school? Help TKKG uncover the evil machinations and stop the malefactors!

Is Gaby a thief? How could it happen that she got under wrong suspicion? Who wants to destroy the friendship between the 4 detective friends? Together with Tim, Karl, Kloesschen and Gaby you search the city for clues on who is the real thief. You are immediately within an exciting case of missing dogs, a suspected animal cruelity and a strange secret passage.

Investigate with TKKG in a new, exciting case that you do not know from the radio plays or books!

Investigate with TKKG in a new, exciting case that you do not know from the radio plays or books! Together with TKKG you search for traces, clues and suspects. Only if you repeatedly slip into the different roles of the detectives and cleverly combine them, you can solve the crime in an exciting finale.

Investigate with TKKG in a new, exciting case that you do not know from the radio plays or books! Together with Tim, Karl, Klößchen and Gaby you search for clues, evidence and question witnesses. Only if you repeatedly slip into the different roles of the detectives and cleverly combine them, you will solve the crime in an exciting finale.

With their annual pass, Tim, Karl, Dumpling and Gaby have already been to the amusement park "Snappyland" countless times. It was almost getting boring! But when they overhear a conversation between 2 entertainers who are planning a crime, they get into an exciting case. The "goose man", they hear, is to have a "fatal accident" on the same day! Time is running out. Stress at the amusement park! Take on the roles of Tim, Karl, Dumpling and Gaby. Interview witnesses, look for clues and evidence ...

Superstition is not the order of the day for the 13th case of TKKG. Or is it? For the school newspaper, Gaby interviews an inmate in prison about his everyday life in jail. The prisoner from cell 13, Bodo Heppner, willingly gives information. But Heppner is still silent about what happened to the loot after his bank robbery and whether he had an accomplice. When Gaby visits the bank robber again to give him the freshly printed school newspaper, he suddenly becomes nervous. A short time later he breaks out of prison! And again TKKG is involved in a new case. The clues lead to a horror store, to hard-core crime readers, illiterates and last but not least to an abandoned bunker ...

Vacation at last! Camping in Cyprus is the motto, but the four detectives have hardly unrolled their sleeping bag when they get involved in a new case. A picture that at first seems inconspicuous is stolen from a hotel safe. The more TKKG look into the history of the picture, the more people show up who want it desperately. So something is not right with this painting ...

Investigate with TKKG in a new, exciting case that you do not know from the radio plays or books! Stalked! Gaby feels a shiver down her spine: At the end of a Spanish class at the adult education center, she discovers an anonymous letter between the pages of her book. A stranger who signs "Your faithful prince" seems to be constantly watching her and trying to intimidate her. Tim, Karl, Klößchen and Gaby take up the pursuit of the stranger. The clues soon lead them into the world of the Internet, webcam spying and chat rooms Just when the young detectives think they are on the right track, the case takes a dramatic turn. Will TKKG win the hunt for the "prince" across the city?

Actually, the four friends of TKKG just wanted to go for a bike ride, turn their backs on the city of millions and spend a relaxing weekend in the countryside. But when they are surprised by a thunderstorm and have to seek shelter in an abandoned hotel, they come across a terrible secret ... And before they know it, they are in the middle of a thrilling criminal case, in which it quickly becomes clear that this is no ordinary case. The clues lead into the past - a past that scares the inhabitants of the small village Oberfeldbach so much that they don't want to talk about it. Is this case perhaps a bit too big for TKKG?

Investigate with TKKG in a new, exciting case that you do not know from the radio plays or books! In this one, an increasing number of students no longer feel safe at boarding school. What is the truth behind the rumors of blackmail and intimidation at the school? Tim, Karl, Klößchen and Gaby investigate and not only have to deal with a neglected ex-teacher and demonstrating animal rights activists, but also encounter self-appointed "guardian angels" who want to ensure safety in the schoolyard. The good reputation of the school is at stake! Help TKKG uncover the evil machinations and put a stop to the culprits!
TKKG is a point and click adventure game following four students solving a crime.