TKKG: Zelle 13

Superstition is not the order of the day for the 13th case of TKKG. Or is it? For the school newspaper, Gaby interviews an inmate in prison about his everyday life in jail. The prisoner from cell 13, Bodo Heppner, willingly gives information. But Heppner is still silent about what happened to the loot after his bank robbery and whether he had an accomplice. When Gaby visits the bank robber again to give him the freshly printed school newspaper, he suddenly becomes nervous. A short time later he breaks out of prison! And again TKKG is involved in a new case. The clues lead to a horror store, to hard-core crime readers, illiterates and last but not least to an abandoned bunker ...
Part of franchise:
(last 3 games)

Investigate with TKKG in a new, exciting case that you do not know from the radio plays or books! In this one, more and more students feel no longer safe at the boarding school. What about the rumors of extortion and intimidation at school? Help TKKG uncover the evil machinations and stop the malefactors!


Investigate with TKKG in a new, exciting case that you do not know from the radio plays or books! Together with Tim, Karl, Klößchen and Gaby you search for clues, evidence and question witnesses. Only if you repeatedly slip into the different roles of the detectives and cleverly combine them, you will solve the crime in an exciting finale.